Ron Ramsden's white and blue Neoteric Questrek, hovercraft dealer
Terry Lobdell's red GPL
Air Commander, and
Bill Millette's green Scat "Thunder",
parked along side my craft during a winter cruise on the ice-covered Chain o' Lakes and a summer cruise on the Kankakee River.
Bill and Bob Zang run Universal Hovercraft's workshop division in nearby Woodstock, IL, a quick drive from Chicago. They have a diverse array of standard crafts and will custom-build crafts
as well. Check out their web site
Matt Cook is one of Chicago's
newest hovercrafters. Click for an amazing story.
Dan Schreiber lives
nearby in North-West Indiana and is a dealer for the new Hovercraft Concepts Aerocruiser.
Lowell Gilbert lives in the Western Suburbs and has a British-made Bill Baker Vehicle.
John Windt, is
the brother of Bob Windt from Universal Hovercraft. John lives near the Fox river where he runs his sleek UH-19P and a UH-15P.
In early February, 1997, Ron hosted a hover-in at his place on the Chain o' Lakes where we made new
friends, gave rides, went for a nice cruise, and got to see the
Webers' new foam
and fiberglass prop.
Probably the best place to go hovercrafting in the area is along the
Fox River.
Local hovercrafters might find this site useful:
Chicago Area Paddling/Fishing Pages
Here are some Chicago weather links:
Tribune Weather Outlook, INTELLiCast: Chicago Weather
and CNN - Weather Forecast
I know there are at least 17 other Chicago-area hovercrafters out there.
Lets get in touch!